BODAS controller RC/3x and RC/4x
| Transport and storage
Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 95240-01-B/2021-01-12
6 Transport and storage
Check the control unit for transport damage. If there are obvious signs of damage,
please inform the transport company and Bosch Rexroth immediately.
If the control unit is dropped, continued use is not permissible because unseen
damage may affect its reliability.
6.1 Storing the control unit
• Store control units at an average relative humidity of 60% and at a temperature
between -10°C and +30°C. Momentary, a storage temperature of -20 °C to +40 °C
is permissible for up to 100 hours.
• After a storage time of more than 5 years, the control unit must be checked by the
manufacturer before use.