AGS10-2, AGS10E-2, AGS20-2, AGS50-2
6 720 811 270 (2015/04)
Solar storage cylinder is cooling rapidly.
High heat loss.
Cylinder insulation is faulty or not correctly fitted.
Check insulation. Insulate the cylinder connection points.
Controller setting for backup heating is not correct.
Check settings of boiler controller.
Single-pipe circulation (micro-circulation in the pipelines).
Install a "U" bend in the pipe to prevent heat convection.
Gravity circulation via collector array or DHW recirculation line
or backup heating.
Check gravity brakes.
Hot water recirculation running too frequently and/or at night.
Check programmed on/off times and cyclic mode.
When sun is shining on collectors, the collector glass is fogged for a long period of time.
Condensate in the
Insufficient ventilation of the collector (in the case of ventilated
Clean ventilation openings.
System performance is falling.
Solar yield too low.
Collectors are under shade.
Remove shade.
Air in the system.
Bleed or purge the system.
Pump is running at decreased power.
Check the pump.
Heat exchanger dirty/calcified.
Wash/decalcify the heat exchanger.
Collector glazing is very dirty.
Clean the collector glazing with a glass-cleaning agent (no acetone).
Backup heating is running despite good solar exposure.
Solar yield too low.
Storage cylinder temperature sensor for backup heating is
faulty or incorrectly positioned.
Check cylinder temperature sensor position, mounting and
DHW recirculation is incorrectly connected or switched on for
too long.
Check DHW circulation connection; if necessary, reduce switch-on
time for recirculation.
Backup heating temperature set too high.
Check settings.
Air in the system.
Bleed or purge the system.
Controller faulty.
Check controller, replace if necessary.
Type of fault
Possible causes
Table 17