Assemble the unit
Assemble the case by reversing disassembly
After maintenance, switching on power on the
condition that assembly and connection have
no mistake then loader and electric circuit return
to original place automatically .The unit works normally.
Can not open tray by electricity
Unable to open disc tray when press OPEN/CLOSE button
1. Take down disc as illustrated A,B,C,D
2. Take down DVD front panel
Can open the tray by electricity
1. Operate after completely take out top panel
2. Press OPEN/CLOSE button to open disc tray.
Be careful not to damage disc when take it out if it is in the tray .
Then take away DVD door (as illustrated E)
Graph E Catch position on the front panel
1. Take down top panel see as illustrate A
2.Take down front panel
Disassemble and assemble parts of the unit
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