Diagram C Rotate white gear
3.Take out front panel and loaderd carefully,there is a white
plastic gear under the loader,Rotate the rear as diagram C to
stretch DVD tray and door(diagram D),you can take disc out
Diagram B Panel,chip disassemble
Diagram H boards Location
Control board
decode power board
2.Wring 3 screws out connected base panel with bottom
board then wrest 4 screws connected loader ewith bottom
board (Diagram B)
Diagram D Take out disc
decode board
AV output board
Per PCB assemblies locate as(see diagram H)
PCB position
Diagram A Dipart cabinet
Take out disc of method from a trouble machine
If you cannot take out disc even press OPEN/CLOSE
button,please pull power cord from the socket and
follow as below:
1.Wring 8 screws out then pull left and right side
to take away top panel that rear part of upper
(Diagram A)
The unit comprises mechanical and electric part,including:
front panel,base panel,top panel,rear panel and loader,AV
output board,decode board,etc.
White Gear
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