3.4 Fan Setting
Under the “On” state of the unit, press Fan and then fan speed of the indoor unit will change
circularly as shown in Fig.3.4.1.
3.5 Timer Setting
Under on-state of the unit, Press Timer button to set timer off of the unit. Under off-state of the
unit, press Timer button to set timer on of the unit in the same way.
Timer on setting:
Under off-state of the unit without timer setting, if Timer button is pressed, LCD will display xx.
Hour,with ON blinking. In this case,
button to adjust timer on and then press Timer to
Timer off setting:
Under on-state of the unit without timer setting, if Timer button is pressed, LCD will display xx.
,with OFF blinking. In this case, press▲ or ▼ button to adjust timer on and then press
Timer to
• Cancel timer:
After setting of timer, if Timer button is pressed, LCD won’t display xx. Hour so that timer setting
is canceled.
Timer off setting under the “On” state of the unit is shown as Fig.3.5.1.
Fig.3.5.1 Timer off Setting under the “On”
State of the Unit
Wired Controller(Optional)