Operating Manual of Ammonia Nitrogen Sensor
6.1.1 Temperature Sensor Maintenance
Use soap or alcohol to remove grease, oil or microbes and rinse the tip of the sensor with water. Do
not use any object to poke the sensor, otherwise, its film will rupture.
6.1.2 pH Sensor Maintenance
pH sensor requires frequent maintenance to remove contaminants from the sensing components,
these contaminants can reduce the sensor response time. Remove the sensor from the main unit before
If the pH sensor is covered by deposits or micro-organisms, then clean the glass with a very clean,
soft, wet, and non-scratched cloth or cotton ball with enough soap and then brush with 0.01 mol/L HCL or
NaOH solution. (Those insoluble deposits such as calcium and magnesium can be dissolved in EDTA
disodium solution) and then rinse with water, get dried and then be calibrated with the aid of instrument.
If there is oil on the electrode, it can be rubbed with cotton soaked with CCl4 or acetone. Then,
immerse it in a 0.1 mol/L HCI solution for 12 hours for cleaning, and then repeatedly rinse with distilled
water and get dried, and then be calibrated with the aid of instrument. Try to void long-term storage under
a dry environment, usually it should be placed in a protective cover with 3.0 mol / L potassium chloride
solution; before and after the maintenance of the electrode, the maintenance of the pH electrode pH,
observe whether the internal electrolyte/gel is exhausted. If the electrolyte/gel is not visible, please
replace the electrode in time; before and after the maintenance of the pH electrode, check whether there is
a non-eliminable air bubble on the inner end of the salt bridge (the side is bright and bubble-like). If there
is air bubble, it will affect the pH and reference work. Please replace it in time.
The pH electrode is recommended to be replaced once a year (the service life of the pH electrode is
only about 1 year)
Important Tip:
Avoid using anhydrous ethanol or dehydrating detergent to deal with the electrode.
6.1.3 Ammonia Nitrogen Sensor Maintenance
If the electrode leaves the water for about 15 minutes, it is recommended to re-discharge the
electrode in water for 1 hour. If the electrode cap is contaminated, the user needs to clean the cap
according to the maintenance cycle. Be careful not to touch the membrane cap with your hands. Use a