2. If the helper sees the part flex unexpectedly, or if the part feels less rigid than
it should be, do not ride the bike. Take the bike to your dealer for replace-
ment or further inspection.
To check a part for delamination (tap test)
1. Clean the part thoroughly with a damp cloth.
2. With a nickel or other coin, tap the part near any possible damage, and places
where the part is known to be in good condition (or use a similar part).
3. Listen carefully for variations in sound, especially a hollow sound, “dead”
tone, or any sound indicating that the part is not solid.
4. If the part makes any noise other than a hard, solid tap sound, do not ride
the bike. Take the bike to your dealer for replacement or further inspection.
Re-alignment of the fork is not possible
Bontrager carbon fiber composite forks and their aluminum dropouts are not
as ductile as steel. Never attempt to make adjustments to a part by bending or
twisting it. If the fork has been damaged, take it to your Bontrager dealer so it
can be sent to the Bontrager factory for repair.
To maintain the fork, keep it clean
Keep your fork clean with a soft rag and a mild detergent and water solution.
Do not use solvents or harsh chemicals, as they can damage the paint and also
the adhesive joining the fork parts. Excessive heat over 180º F. (82º C.) can
damage the adhesive joining the parts of your fork.
Do not modify the fork in any way
Modifying the fork in any way will void the manufacturer's warranty and
may be unsafe. Removing paint from a Bontrager carbon fork requires special
techniques, so should only be done at the Bontrager factory. See your Bontrager
dealer for more information.
Fork repair is done at the factory
Most types of fork damage can be repaired at the Bontrager factory. You must
send your fork back to Bontrager through an authorized Bontrager dealer.
Never modify your fork in any way, including sanding, drilling,
Never modify your fork in any way, including sanding, drilling,
filing, removing redundant retention devices, or by any other
filing, removing redundant retention devices, or by any other
technique. Such modifications will void your warranty, may
technique. Such modifications will void your warranty, may
cause your fork to fail, and may contribute to loss of control
cause your fork to fail, and may contribute to loss of control
resulting in personal injury or death.
resulting in personal injury or death.