To erase a selected bookmark, pause playback. Hold the „Mode“ button and press „Play“.
3.5. Shortcut overview of Books
Acoustic feedback
Playback or Pause
Go to next part
“Right arrow”
Go to previous part
“Left arrow”
Create bookmark
“Rec” for 2 seconds
“Bookmark set”
Erase bookmark
“Mode” + “Play”
“Bookmark erased”
Erase all bookmarks
“Mode” + “Play” + “Rec”
“All bookmarks erased”
Go to the next higher
navigation option
Name of the navigation option
Go to the next deeper
navigation option
Name of the navigation option
4. Voice recorder
The application “Voice recorder” allows you to record voice messages. You can use it to
create shopping and to-do lists, audio interviews, record addresses and phone numbers et
cetera. The integrated microphone is optimized for voice recording and filters background
noises. Recordings are saved as MP3 files with a quality of 64 kbps when using the
internal microphone or 128 kbps via external microphone.
4.1. Recording a short voice message
To record a short voice message, keep “Rec” pressed while speaking. A short click
signalizes that the recording has started. To stop recording simply release “Rec” again. For
best results, speak at normal volume and hold the device at a distance of approximately
10 cm (4 inches) from your mouth. The integrated microphone is located in the upper left
corner near the small red light.
Keep the „Rec“ button pressed until you hear a click, indicating that the recording has
started. This may take up to 3 seconds, in case your Milestone 212 Ace has already
entered power saving mode.
4.2. Recording a continuous voice message
As an alternative to having to keep the “Rec” button pressed, you can start a continuous
recording. Push and hold the “Rec” button and then in addition press “Play”, after you hear
the short click. Milestone 212 Ace will acknowledge the start of the continuous recording
with the sound sequence “low pitched-high pitched”. To quit continuous recording, press
the “Rec” button again. The device will confirm the end of the continuous recording with
the sound sequence “high pitched-low pitched”.