Preparation of c
Preparation of c
Preparation of c
Preparation of clothes
Do not wash any items that are declared as non-washable. Follow always the i
structions on the care label of your laundry.
Do not wash clothes soaked in petrol, thinners, alcohol or solvents.
Foreign objects (e.g. nails, coins) can cause damage to garments and components.
Check the pockets of all garments on content and empty them completely.
Sort your fabrics by color and the symbols contained on the care label. Separate
white and colored laundry. All new colored clothes should be washed separately.
Turn buttons and embroidery inside.
Close zippers, buttons and hooks before washing. Tie any loose straps and loops.
Wash bras e.g. in a pillowcase to prevent leakage of the steel bracket.
Particularly delicate fabrics such as curtains, crochet or small items (socks, han
kerchiefs, neckties, etc.) should be washed in a closed bag.
Remove always all the hooks from curtains.
Washing large and heavy parts such as bath towels, jeans, lined jackets and the
like can cause the drum to run unbalanced. We recommend adding one or two
smaller parts; this especially helps with the spinning cycle.
The clothes which easily get fuzzed shall be washed separately; otherwise the other
articles can be stained with dust and thrum etc. Preferably, black clothes and cotton
clothes shall be washed separately because they can easily get stained with the
thrums of other colors when being washed together.
Clean away dusts, stains and pet hairs from the clothes.
For spot removing heavy soiling the laundry can be treated with a special prewash
spray. Follow the operating instructions of the product packaging.
washable. Follow always the in-
Do not wash clothes soaked in petrol, thinners, alcohol or solvents.
Foreign objects (e.g. nails, coins) can cause damage to garments and components.
Sort your fabrics by color and the symbols contained on the care label. Separate
laundry. All new colored clothes should be washed separately.
Close zippers, buttons and hooks before washing. Tie any loose straps and loops.
in a pillowcase to prevent leakage of the steel bracket.
Particularly delicate fabrics such as curtains, crochet or small items (socks, hand-
jackets and the
like can cause the drum to run unbalanced. We recommend adding one or two
The clothes which easily get fuzzed shall be washed separately; otherwise the other
clothes and cotton
clothes shall be washed separately because they can easily get stained with the
r spot removing heavy soiling the laundry can be treated with a special prewash