Using Your VS-510OP as a Wireless TTL Slave
Using Your VS-510OP as a Wireless TTL Slave
The VS-510OP is equipped with advanced wireless TTL flash functions, allowing you to fire the flash remotely
while still maintaining full TTL control. In addition, it can be set to multiple channels and groups, giving you
unlimited creative lighting possibilities.
Important terms:
Here are the terms you’ll need to be familiar with in order to learn how to work with multiple
wireless flash units:
This can be the camera’s built-in flash, a flash unit mounted on the camera, or a dedicated wireless
controller. The master controls how the slave flashes operate in wireless TTL mode. Only one master flash is
allowed in a multiple-flash photography setting. Note that not all cameras and flashes offer master capability.
Slave or remote flash:
Flash units that are not directly connected to the camera and are controlled via the
master flash or a controller are called “slave” or “remote” units. There is no limitation on the number of remote
flash units that can be used at once.