5.1 Testing the module shall be carried out by personnel qualified for the Electrical Safety of
Level II or higher.
5.2 Do shut off power from the polling loop controller while connecting and disconnecting
external circuits.
5.3 Performance Testing
5.3.1 Apply power to the polling loop controller.
5.3.2 By means of the network controller arm the detector with the number assigned with
MC1 in the module.
5.3.3 Simulate an alarm response of the detector connected to MC1. The module LED shall
start flashing doubly every four seconds. The network controller shall display Intrusion Alarm
or Fire Alarm for the address assigned to the module’s MC1.
5.3.4 Place the detector into the normal state. The module LED shall start flashing once eve-
ry four seconds. By means of the network controller issue a command to reset alarm from the
detector related to MC1. When one monitored circuit is being tested the other circuit shall be
in norm.
5.3.5 Perform actions 5.3.2 - 5.3.4 for the monitored circuit MC2.
5.3.6 If no Intrusion / Fire Alarm message has come on the network controller then the
module is considered as defective and should be replaced.
5.3.7 By means of the network controller request for ADC values representing monitored
circuit states (see User’s Manual).
In order the S2000-AR2 Rev.02 to operate under a polling loop controller in an Orion ISS, it
should be assigned to a polling loop address and the relevant settings should be carried out
(see User’s Manual).