60/70/80 toggle switch
This 3 position switch works on the crunch and solo channel and will give you the option to find the right
gain structure for guitar, pickups and musical style.
60 - produces lower gain plexi and bassman tones, you have to set the gain high for overdriven sounds
otherwise the amp stays pretty clean which of course gives you the option to use it as a second clean
channel as well. This voicing works good in combination with high volume settings for dynamic cranked
power-amp overdrive.
70 - bumps up the gain and slightly narrows the frequency spectrum to give you a more focused high gin
80 - has the most gain, due to the high compression the volume get cut and needs to be readjusted. This
mode is also good for very low volumes.
gain control
This control sets the amount of gain for the crunch and solo channel.
Located on the back panel you find the cr gain control, this one lets you preset the crunch
gain, which is the difference in gain between the crunch and solo channel, with this control turned up all
the way the crunch channel has essentially identical gain as the solo channel, this is useful if you rather
have channels with identical gain but want two different switchable volume settings.
tone control
This control attenuates the tone and gain characteristics of the clean channel. A lot of thought has been
put into the design to have a very flexible clean channel with just a tone-, volume control and a bright
switch. Best to start out with it set half way and see it as a neutral position, from there if you turn down
you will get less gain with more highs and bass for the typical scooped blackface sound, turning the
control up will add gain and midrange growl reminiscent of the classic tweed tone.
bass, middle and treble controls
Let you control the bass, middle and high frequencies of the crunch and solo channel.
volume controls
These controls let you set the loudness of each channel independently from each other.
bright switch
This switch lets you choose a dark, neutral or bright position and works for the clean channel only. Note
the higher the clean volume is set the less effective the switch becomes.
power indicator light
This light indicates that the amp is powered on, it is also sensitive to the input level and will flash along
with your strumming dynamics.