Adjust speed to 3km/h
If the running belt is deflecting to the right, adjust the bolt on the right one half turn clockwise using the allen
key, and adjust the bolt on the left one half turn anti-clockwise (see pic 1)
If the running belt is deflecting to the left, adjust the bolt on the left one half turn clockwise using the allen key,
and adjust the bolt on the right one half turn anti-clockwise (see pic 2)
If the running belt is not deflected, but is slipping, adjust both left and right bolts one half turn clockwise to
tighten, or one half turn anti-clockwise to loosen if the belt is too tight. (See pic 3 and 4)
After adjustment, check the running belt, and adjust further if required.
Pic 1. The adjustment for
deflection to the
Pic 2. The adjustment
for deflection to the
Pic 3. Tightening the running belt
Pic 4. Loosening the running belt