P063GUI001 - User guide eCelsius Performance Connect.1 - EN
Please do not forget to charge the battery of the device before the end of these 5 days
under penalty to lost the communication with the associated capsules.
The device integrates a Lithium-ion rechargeable batttery. It is strictly
to disassemble the
device and to replace the rechargeable battery under penalty to irreparable damage on the system and
security failures.
Charging cycle
In order to recharge the battery, please plug the power cable of the ePerf Connect device and connect the
USB connector to a wall charger or to a USB connector. Few hours are necessary to charge the battery. The
battery life of the ePerf Connect device in battery operation is around 5 days in normal use, and 3 days with
continuous alert status (Led flashing).
During the battery charging, the logo ‘‘battery’’ indicates that the device is charging, the symbol of an outlet
is displayed, its level is flat (do not indicate the level of battery). Once the cable disconnected, the logo
‘‘battery’’ indicates the level of battery; it represents the real percentage of battery and changes along use.
If the ePerf connect device turn in energy saving mode, you just have to charge the system before turning
it on pressing the button 1 (long press). If this state lasts several days, the device will lost the date/time
information. You will have to set again the date and time through the ePerf Mobile application; that will take
effect from the connexion to the application.
In operation, it is
strongly recommanded
to wear the ePerf Connect device to the wrist if possible. Lay down
the device should result to a reduction of the RF communication performances with the capsule.
It is also strongly recommanded to be vigilant in the environment with a high metallic constraints (reinforced
concrete wall, …) and to
check on the screen of the device that the RF communication with the capsule is
not interrupted
In case of communication interruption, between the capsule and the device, the data are stored into the
capsule internal memory to be synchronized later.
Warning: the synchronization with the capsule is automatically deactivated when the cable is connected.
The device has a recharge clip-like connexion. The mettalic contacts of the
clip have to be in contact with the 4 metallic contacts of the ePerf Connect
The recharge cable is only useful for the recharge.
No USB communication is possible with the ePerf Connect device.
Warning, once the cable is connected to the device:
* the synchronisation with the capsule is automatically deactivated
* capsule activation is impossible