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Good nutrition is a diet in which foods are eaten in

proper quantities and with the needed distribution of

nutrients  to  maintain  good  health.  Malnutrition,  on

the  other  hand,  is  the  result  of  a  diet  in  which

there  is  an  underconsumption,  overconsumption,  or

unbalanced  consumption  of  nutrients  that  leads  to

disease  or  an  increased  susceptibility  to  disease.

What is stated in the above definitions is the fact that

proper nutrition is essential to good health. A history of

poor  nutritional  choices  will  eventually  lead  to  poor

health consequences.

There are many substances necessary for the proper

functioning of the body. Nutrients are the substances

that the body requires for the maintenance of health,

growth, and to repair tissues. Nutrients can be divided

into six classes: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins,

minerals  and  water.  Carbohydrates,  or  "carbs",  are

nutrients that are composed of carbon, hydrogen and

oxygen,  and  are  essential  sources  of  energy  in  the

body.  Grains,  vegetables,  and  fruits  are  excellent

sources  of  carbohydrates.  It  is  recommended  that

at least 55% to 60% of the total number of calories

consumed  come  from  carbohydrates  (American

Diabetes Association, Diabetes & Exercise, 1990). It is

further  recommended  that  10%  or  less  of  the  total

calories  consumed  come  from  simple  sugars  like  a

candy bar. 

One of the many benefits of consuming foods that are

high in complex carbohydrates, such as rice, pasta,

and  whole  grain  breads,  is  that  they  also  typically

contain dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is a term used when

referring to substances found in plants that cannot be

broken down by the human digestive system. Although

fiber cannot be digested, it is important in helping to

avoid cancers of the digestive system, hemorrhoids,

constipation, and diverticular disease because it helps

food  move  quickly  and  easily  through  the  digestive

system.  It  is  recommended  that  people  consume

20 to 30 grams of fiber per day (American Diabetes

Association,  Diabetes  &  Exercise,  1990).  Excellent

sources  of  dietary  fiber  are  grains,  vegetables,

legumes, and fruit.

Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet and serve

vital functions in the human body. Among the functions

performed  by  fats  are  temperature  regulation,

protection of vital organs, distribution of some vitamins,

energy production, and formation of component parts

of  cell  membranes.  Like  carbohydrates,  fats  are

composed  of  carbon,  hydrogen,  and  oxygen.

However, their chemical structure is different.

Both  animals  and  plants  provide  sources  of  fat.

Saturated  fats  come  primarily  from  animal  sources

and  are  typically  solid  at  room  temperature.  Plant

sources  of  saturated  fats  are  palm  oil,  coconut  oil,

and cocoa butter. A high intake of saturated fats is

directly related to increased cardiovascular disease.

Unsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature.

Corn, peanut, canola, and soybean oil are sources of

unsaturated fats. It is recommended that no more than

30% of one’s diet be composed of fats. Ten percent or

less of the total calories consumed should come from

saturated fats. One way to reduce saturated fat intake

would be to substitute margarine for butter.

Proteins are substances composed of carbon, hydrogen,

oxygen, and nitrogen. Proteins are made by combining

amino  acids.  Amino  acids  are  nitrogen-containing

building blocks for proteins that can be used for energy.

Amino acids can combine in innumerable ways to form

proteins, and it is estimated that tens of thousands of

different types of proteins exist in the body. It is the

ordering of the amino acids that provides the unique

structure and function of proteins.

There are proteins in both meat products and plant

products.  Animal  sources  of  protein  such  as  milk,

meat  and  eggs  contain  the  eight  essential  amino

acids (amino acids that the body cannot synthesize

and  therefore  must  be  ingested).  Plant  sources  of

protein such as beans, starchy vegetables, nuts, and

grains  do  not  always  contain  all  eight  amino  acids.

Because of this, vegetarians must consume a variety

of  protein-containing  foods.  It  is  recommended  that

proteins make up 10% to 15% of one’s daily calories.

This  will  ensure  adequate  protein  for  growth,

maintenance,  and  the  repair  of  cells.  Protein

requirements  for  adults  are  not  as  high  as  those

recommended for infants, children, and young adults.

Note: individuals who are training intensely will have

an increase in their protein requirements. 

Vitamins are organic substances that are essential to

the normal functioning of the human body. Although

vitamins do not contain energy to be used by the body,

these substances are essential in the metabolism of

fats,  carbohydrates  and  proteins.  Because  of  the

critical role vitamins play, it is necessary that they exist

in proper quantities in the body.

Minerals are inorganic molecules that serve a variety

of  functions  in  the  human  body.  The  minerals  that

appear in the largest quantities (calcium, phosphorus,

potassium, sulfur, sodium, chloride, and magnesium)

are  often  called  macrominerals.  Other  minerals  are

also essential to normal functioning of the body, but

because  they  exist  in  smaller  quantities  (chromium,

iron, copper, fluoride, iodine, manganese, molybdenum,

selenium, and zinc) they are called microminerals.

A  mineral  that  is  often  consumed  in  inadequate

amounts  by  Americans  is  calcium.  Calcium  is  a

mineral  important  in  the  mineralization  of  bone,

muscle  contraction,  and  the  transmission  of  nerve

impulses. Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by

a decrease in the total amount of bone mineral in the

body and by a decrease in strength of the remaining

bone. This condition is most common in the elderly

but may also exist in younger people who have diets

inadequate in calcium or vitamin D or both.

Iron is another mineral that is often underconsumed

by Americans. This is especially true of women. The

oxygen-carrying  properties  of  hemoglobin  (blood)

depend on the presence of iron. Anemia is a condition

characterized by a decreased capacity to transport

oxygen  in  the  blood,  and  is  also  common  in  those

lacking a sufficient amount of iron intake. Red meat

and eggs are excellent sources of iron. Additionally

spinach, lima and navy beans, and prune juice are

excellent vegetarian sources of iron.

Sodium,  on  the  other  hand,  is  a  mineral  that  many

Americans  over-consume.  High  sodium  intake  has

been linked with hypertension, as well as high blood

pressure. People  can  substantially  reduce  their

sodium intake by limiting consumption of processed

foods  and  decreasing  the  amount  of  salt  added  to

foods when cooking. 

In  conclusion...don’t  forget  hydration.  Water  is

considered an essential nutrient because of its vital

role  in  the  normal  functioning  of  the  body.  Water

contributes  approximately  60%  of  the  total  body

weight  and  is  essential  in  creating  an  environment

in  which  all  metabolic  processes  occur.  Water  is

necessary  to  regulate  temperature  and  to  transport

substances throughout the body.



1. Choose your foods carefully. Try getting your 

carbohydrates from sources such as rice,

vegetables, beans, whole grains, pasta and fruit.

Good protein sources include fish, chicken, turkey,

lean meat and low-fat or nonfat dairy products.

2. Minimize your fat intake.

3. Drink a minimum of 10 eight-ounce glasses of 

water each day.

4. Eat four to six small meals a day, about three 

hours apart. Small meals are more easily digested 

and result in greater nutrition absorption.

5. Avoid eating junk food and fast food.

6. Time your protein intake of 40-55 grams 

approximately 75 minutes after your workout.

7. Immediately following your workout, replenish 

your glycogen stores with approximately 

50-75 grams of carbohydrates.

For  more  information  on  nutrition  visit  your  local

library or book store. There are many excellent books





Sets are defined as a combination of any number of reps of one exercise. The number
of sets used in a workout is directly related to training results. Typically, two to three sets
are used by intermediate and advanced lifters to achieve optimum gains in strength.
Experts agree that multiple-set systems work best for the development of strength and
muscular  endurance.  Gains  will  be  made  at  a  faster  rate  by  using  a multiple-set
system than gains achieved through a single-set system. The use of a single set of an
exercise  is  recommended  and  very  effective  for  individuals  who  are  untrained  or
just beginning a resistance training program. One-set programs might also be used
for simple maintenance once you are in shape. It is important to note that low-volume
set  programs  will  increase  strength  in  untrained  individuals,  but  more  complex
physiological adaptations, such as gains in muscle mass, tone, size, and performance
usually requires higher-volume set training for the best results. Multiple sets of an
exercise present a more intense training stimulus to the muscles during each set.
Once your desired initial fitness level has been achieved, multiple-set performances
of the exercise using the proper resistance (with specific rest periods between sets)
will take you to the next level of strength training, endurance, and muscular development.

Resistance Used

The amount of resistance used for a specific exercise is probably the most important
variable in resistance training. When designing a resistance training program, a weight
for each exercise must be chosen. The use of repetition maximums (RM): the exact
resistance that allows only a specific number of repetitions to be performed, is probably
the easiest method for determining a resistance. Typically, one uses a training RM target
or a RM target zone. Example: If your RM zone is 8 to 12 repetitions and you cannot lift
the weight at least 8 times using proper form, the weight is too heavy. On the other
hand, if you can easily lift the weight 12 times, the weight is too light. In either case, the
weight needs to be changed. As the strength level of the lifter changes over time, the
resistance is adjusted so a true RM target or target zone resistance is used.

Rest Periods Between Sets and Exercises

One frequently overlooked variable in exercise prescription is the length of the rest
period between sets and between different exercises. Your desired fitness goals will
normally  determine  the  amount  of  time  you  allow  your  body  to  rest.  Exercises
involving high repetitions (15 to 20) and a high number of sets (3 to 4) with short rest
periods (30 seconds) between sets will raise metabolic demands. This in turn will burn
excess  body  fat  and  increase  muscular  endurance.  Short  rest  periods  are  a
characteristic of circuit weight training, and the resistances used are typically lighter.
This type of workout is best for trimming body fat and toning muscle. Exercises with
heavier resistance and fewer sets usually have a longer resting period between sets.
The results of using this method are normally increased muscular strength and mass.
If  the  desired  outcome  is  to  gain  overall  muscle  mass,  your  exercise  prescription
should lean toward a higher weight resistance doing 2 to 6 repetitions per set, with a
rest period of 3 to 4 minutes between each set. 

Rest Periods Between Workouts

The amount of rest between training sessions depends on the recovery ability of the
individual. Most experts agree that three workouts per week with one day of rest between
sessions  allows  adequate  recovery,  especially  for  the  beginner.  If  the  resistance
training is not excessive, only moderate amounts of delayed muscular soreness should
be experienced one day after the session. As the lifter advances and his or her body
is better able to tolerate and recuperate from the resistance exercise sessions, the
frequency of training can be increased. Well-conditioned athletes may be capable of,
and need training frequencies of 4 to 5 days in a row to improve significantly and
achieve their desired goals. When consecutive-training-day sequences are used, it is
usually beneficial to do different exercises for the same muscle groups and use different
resistances for the exercises. When training is performed on consecutive days, it often
involves the use of a split routine (different body parts exercised each day), or a split
program (different exercises for the same body part performed each day). There are
many books available at the library or your local book store for the intermediate and
advanced weight training enthusiast. It is also recommended that you work with a
qualified personal trainer to achieve your ultimate goals.

Order of Exercise

Leaders in the field of strength and conditioning believe that working the  larger muscle
groups first (chest, back, legs), should take priority over training the smaller muscle
groups (biceps, triceps, deltoids, calves). The reason behind this exercise order is that
the exercises performed in the beginning of the workout are the ones that are going to
require the greatest amount of muscle mass to perform. Hence, exercising the smaller
muscle groups first will deplete the body of the energy necessary to stimulate the larger
muscle groups. Arm-to-leg ordering allows for some recovery of the arm muscles while
the leg muscles are exercised. “Stacking” exercises is a common practice among
body builders as a way to attempt to bring about muscle hypertrophy. Stacking is
loading up different exercises on the same muscle group (ie. standing bicep curls,
preacher curls, one arm concentration curls). The exercise order will have a significant
impact on the training stimulus stress level in a training session. 

Scheduling Training

Finding the time to do it is one of the most difficult aspects of a  training program. Once
you have established a time to workout you should plan a training routine based on
what muscles to involve on which day. As previously discussed, the larger muscle
groups such as the chest, back, and legs should take priority over working the smaller
muscle groups. Give your muscles at least 48 hours (but no more than 72 hours) of
rest in between sessions.




Summary of Contents for GCEC-340

Page 1: ...s p 2 BeforeYouBegin p 3 Preparations p 4 AssemblyInstructions p 5 9 ExerciseTips p 10 29 MainframePartsList p 30 HardwareList p 30 ExplodedViewDiagram p 31 A s s e m b l y I n s t r u c t i o n s O W N E R S M A N U A L by by v 042310 by GDKR50 ...

Page 2: beginning assembly please take the time to read the instructions thoroughly m Read each step in the assembly instructions and follow the steps in sequence Do not skip ahead If you skip ahead you may learn later that you have to disassemble components and that you may have damaged the equipment m Assemble and operate the GDKR50 on a solid level surface Locate the unit a few feet from the walls o...

Page 3: ...rformance specifications and product manuals in order to ensure that only superior products are released from our factories Please take the time to carefully read through this manual thoroughly Instructions contained in this document are not intended to cover all details or variations possible with Body Solid equipment or to cover every contingency that may be met in conjunction with installation ...

Page 4: ...Silicone Spray Oil Installation Requirements Follow these installation requirements when assem bling the GDKR50 Set up the GDKR50 on a solid flat surface A smooth flat surface under the machine helps keep it level A level machine has fewer malfunctions Provide ample space around the machine Open space around the machine allows for easier access Fill out and mail the warranty card The GDKR50 unit c...

Page 5: ...ieces may have extra holes that you will not use Use only those holes indicated in the instructions and illustrations NOTE To find out the length of a particular bolt measure its shank the long narrow part beneath the head Refer to the following diagram Do not fully tighten bolts until instructed to do so Note After assembly you should check all functions to ensure correct operation If you experie...

Page 6: ...reful to assemble all components in the sequence they are presented A Connect Left Support Frame C and Right Support Frame B to Main Frame A using Two 1 M10x102 hex head bolt Four 3 M10 curved washer Two 5 M10 nylon nut ...

Page 7: ...7 S T E P 1 Above shows Step 1 assembled and completed ...

Page 8: assemble all components in the sequence they are presented A Connect Rack D to Main Frame A using Two 2 M8x58 hex head bolt Two 4 M8 washer Two 6 M8 nylon nut B Congratulations You have completed the assembly of the GDKR50 ...

Page 9: ...9 S T E P 2 Above shows Step 2 assembled and completed ...

Page 10: ...dequate EXERCISE LARGE MUSCLES FIRST You should work your large muscle groups first ie squat bench press lat pulldown before you exercise your small muscle groups ie bicep curls tricep pressdowns lateral raises EXERCISE PROGRAM DURATION A weight training routine should take anywhere from 45 minutes to one hour to complete Add another 20 to 60 minutes when you include stretching warm up aerobics an...

Page 11: ... muscles a chance to partially recover before working them again For power and muscle size development allow a 3 to 4 minute rest interval between sets For muscular endurance and definition allow a 30 second rest interval For strength training allow a 60 to 90 second rest interval RISK SHOULD NOT EXCEED BENEFIT If the risk of a specific exercise exceeds its potential benefit it is best to stay on ...

Page 12: ...efore must be ingested Plant sources of protein such as beans starchy vegetables nuts and grains do not always contain all eight amino acids Because of this vegetarians must consume a variety of protein containing foods It is recommended that proteins make up 10 to 15 of one s daily calories This will ensure adequate protein for growth maintenance and the repair of cells Protein requirements for a...

Page 13: ...longer resting period between sets The results of using this method are normally increased muscular strength and mass If the desired outcome is to gain overall muscle mass your exercise prescription should lean toward a higher weight resistance doing 2 to 6 repetitions per set with a rest period of 3 to 4 minutes between each set Rest Periods Between Workouts The amount of rest between training se...

Page 14: ...ild up of lactic acid in the muscle fibers This is the result of intense exercise Muscle soreness can become a problem when the body is pushed too fast and too quickly As a beginner tendons ligaments joints and tissues have not yet developed the ability necessary to recover from high intensity exercise A general warm up of stretching and light calisthenics prior to exercise can possibly reduce the...

Page 15: ... Rest Between Workouts If you re still sore from your previous workout you don t have to go back at it just because it s your scheduled day Give your body an extra day off to fully recover so when you return you will be able to give 100 6 Overtraining It s not how much time you spend working out but what you accomplish that really matters Try to keep your resistance workouts within 45 to 60 minute...

Page 16: ...nd cool down periods You may have to modify your current lifestyle to accommodate your new schedule It s very important to include the following basic components to achieve successful results Muscular Endruance Definition Increase Power Muscle Mass Increase Strength Stretching Weight Training Aerobic Exercise Nutrition If your personal goals involve losing a considerable amount of body fat you wil...

Page 17: period between sets should be from 60 to 90 seconds This allows a degree of muscle recovery before you hit them again FOR POWER AND MUSCLE MASS This is the method most often used by bodybuilders and is recommended only for the intermediate and advanced lifter The weights used are heavy this shocks the muscles and stimulates a more rapid increase in muscle size Usually exercises are performed fo...

Page 18: ...d supinate your wrist The ability to build your biceps peak is largely genetic but exercises that maximally stress the short head will help BICEPS STANDING BICEP CURL SEATED BICEP CURL INCLINE CURL PREACHER CURL CONCENTRATION CURL ONE ARM CABLE CURL FOREARMS WRIST CURL REVERSE WRIST CURL ABDOMINALS The rectus abdominus has upper and lower regions but you can t isolate one area over the other Still...

Page 19: ...uteus Medius Gluteas Maximus Abs External Oblique Triceps Triceps Brachii lateral head longhead medial head Hamstrings Iliotibial Band Biceps Femoris Adductor Magnus Semitendinosus Gracilis Semimembranosus Abs Serratus Anterior External Oblique Rectus Abdominis Tendinous Inscriptions Thighs Sartorius Pectineus Adductor Longus Gracilis Tensor Fasciae Latae Calves Gastrocnemius Peroneus Longus Tibia...

Page 20: ...20 ...

Page 21: ...21 Make several copies of this page to keep track of your progress You can print more copies of this page by going to http www bodysolid com support docs html ...

Page 22: ...22 Make several copies of this page to keep track of your progress You can print more copies of this page by going to http www bodysolid com support docs html ...

Page 23: ...23 Make several copies of this page to keep track of your progress You can print more copies of this page by going to http www bodysolid com support docs html ...

Page 24: popular type of stretching is the static stretching technique This form of stretching involves voluntary complete relaxation of the muscles while they are elongated A static stretch is a constant steady stretch in which the end position is held for 10 to 30 seconds This technique is popular because it is easy to learn effective and accompanied by minimal soreness with the least risk of injury B...

Page 25: ...le continuing to reach upward slowly reach slightly backward 5 Hold for 10 seconds LOWER BACK Spinal Twist Pretzel MUSCLE S AFFECTED internal oblique external oblique and spinal erectors 1 Sitting with legs straight and upper body nearly vertical place right foot on left side of left knee 2 Place back of left elbow on right side of right knee which is now bent 3 Place right palm on floor 12 to 16 ...

Page 26: ... Standing place both arms behind back 2 Interlock fingers with palms facing each other 3 Straighten arms fully 4 Slowly raise the straight arms 5 Hold for 10 to 15 seconds 6 Keep head upright and neck relaxed Stretching shoulder joints sitting Stretching the chest STRETCHING WARM UP COOL DOWN SIDES Side Bend with Straight Arms MUSCLE S AFFECTED external oblique latissimus dorsi and serratus anteri...

Page 27: ...body nearly vertical and legs straight 2 Lean forward from waist and grasp toes with each hand slightly pull toes towards the upper body and pull chest towards leg If you are very stiff try to grasp the ankles Hold for 10 seconds 3 Release toes and relax foot 4 Grasp ankles and continue to pull chest towards legs Hold for 10 seconds 5 Still grasping the ankles point away from body and continue to ...

Page 28: body nearly vertical and legs straight and spread legs as far as possible 2 With right hand grasp toes of right foot and pull on toes slightly while pulling chest toward right leg Hold for 10 seconds 3 Release toes and relax foot 4 Grasp ankle and continue to pull chest toward right leg Hold for 10 seconds 5 Point toes away from body and continue to pull chest toward right leg Hold for 10 secon...

Page 29: ...o 4 inches high 2 Place balls of both feet on the step or board 1 inch from its edge 3 With straight legs lower heels as far as posible 4 Hold for 10 to 15 seconds 5 To stretch achilles tendon raise heels slightly Slightly flex the knees and then lower the heels This stretch will be felt in the achilles tendon 6 Hold for 10 to 15 seconds 7 For a more intense and individualized stretch perform this...

Page 30: ...ain Frame B 1 Right Support Frame C 1 Left Support Frame D 1 Rack 1 2 Hex Head Bolt M10x102 2 2 Hex Head Bolt M8x58 3 4 Curved Washer Ø10 4 2 Washer Ø8 5 2 Nylon Nut M10 6 6 Pad 41mm x 46mm x ᵟ 4mm Part numbers are required when ordering parts H a r d w a r e L i s t ...

Page 31: ...Exploded View Diagram GDKR50 45 31 ...

Page 32: ...opyright 2010 Body Solid All rights reserved Body Solid reserves the right to change design and specifications when we feel it will improve the product Body Solid machines maintain several patented and patent pending features and designs All rights reserved on all design patents and utility patents by ...
