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• The safety bolt screwed into the end of the swing assembly, can be unscrewed
by hand. Caution: Always replace this bolt before getting on or using the Twist
• Loosen and remove the safety bolt from the swing assembly.
• Turn the knee saddle knob counterclockwise several times to loosen the
release mechanism.
• Pull the saddle knob release mechanism back and slide the knee saddle
assembly onto the knee bar. The wider sides of the saddles must face the front
of the Twist Handler. NOTE: The cushioned saddle pad covers are optional
and can be removed if the additional padding is not desired.
• The knee bar position is adjustable to fit your torso length. Align the knob with
one of the positions on the knee bar and allow the release mechanism pin to
drop into the hole.
• IMPORTANT: Tighten the knee saddle knob by turning it clockwise.
the safety stop bolt and tighten by hand.