Choose the location where the Harmonys Flash is to be installed according to the present of Ethernet cable.
Open the case of the Harmonys Flash using a flat-blade screwdriver.
1- Position the screwdriver in the space provided, located underneath the product (1).
2- Remove the cover using the tip of the screwdriver as a lever to separate the cover from the mounting plate (2).
Use the scewdriver as a lever to pry the cover open but do not push the
blade more than 1 cm inside the casing so that the blade is resting on the
back casing, not on the pc board.
3- Remove the front cover carefully.
4- Attach the Harmonys Flash using the 3 mounting screws provided
5- Make sure that the Harmonys Flash is resting well on the wall.
6- Connect the RJ45 Ethernet cable and clip the front panel
Light sequences
> Normal mode:
Green flash (200 ms) - White flash (200 ms) - Green flash (900 ms) - White flash (200 ms)
Length: 10 seconds.
> Alert mode:
Red flash (250 ms) - White flash (250 ms) - ...
Length: repeated for the entire duration of the alarm
> Localisation mode (Sigma software):
White flash (500 ms) - off (500 ms) - ...
Length: repeated for the entire duration of localisation
> Test mode (pressing the test button):
White flash (500 ms) - Red flash (500 ms) - Green flash (500 ms)
Length: cycle executed once
> Repeater error mode:
Red flash cycle.
Back casing - Rear view
On: power OK
Off: no power.
Green (fast flashing):
network search.
Green (slow flashing):
connected to the network
Red (slow flashing): loss or
failure of network connection
RJ45 Ethernet connector
Zone of the light