temperaturerangespecifiedinthebattery andincreasetherisk of fire.
35. Haveservicing performedby aqualifiedrepair personusing only identical
replacementparts. This will ensurethatthesafety of theproductis maintained.
36. Do notmodify or attempt to repair theapplianceexceptas indicatedintheinstructions
for useandcare.
37. Keepthetemperaturerangeof between4-40°C whencharging battery, storing unitor
during use.
38. Plastic filmcanbedangerous. Toavoiddanger of suffocation, keepaway from
39. Useonly as describedinthis user guide.
40. Useonly manufacturer’
s recommendedattachments.
41. If applianceis notworking as itshould, has beendropped, damaged, leftoutdoors, or
droppedintowater; donot attempt tooperateitandhaveitrepairedat anauthorized
42. Do notputany objectintoopenings.
43. Do notusewithany opening blocked; keepfreeof dust, lint, hair, andanything that
may reduceair flow.
44. Useextracarewhencleaning onstairs.
45. Do notusetopick upflammableor combustibleliquids, suchas petroleum, or usein
areas wherethey may bepresent.
46. Do notpick uptoxic material (chlorinebleach, ammonia, draincleaner, etc).
47. Do notuseapplianceinanenclosedspacefilledwithvapours givenoff by oil-based
paint, paint thinner, somemoth-proofing substances, flammabledust, or other explosiveor
toxic vapours.
48. Do notpick uphardor sharpobjects suchas glass, nails, screws, coins, etc.
49. Do notpick upanything thatis burning or smoking, suchas cigarettes, matches or hot
50. Do notusewithoutfilters inplace.
51. Useindoors only.
52. Do notstoretheapplianceattheplaces whereicing may occur.
53. Do notusetheapplianceatthesame positionif theapplianceis equippedwithabrush
roller andthehandleis notcompletely upright.
54. Ensurethattheapplianceis placedonahorizontal surface.
This is amultifunctional vacuumcleaner including threefunctions of UV sterilization,
surfacecleaning andvacuuming.
UV sterilization
WithcoldcathodeUV germicidal lampfor using ultravioletradiationtocleanthesurface
toachieveasterilizing function.
Theapplianceis equippedwithacleanwater tank, adirty water tank, aroller brush, a
suctionmotor andaroller brush motor. Thepumpis usedtopumpwater tothesurfaceof
theroller brush. At thesame time, theroller brushis usedtodrivetheroller brushtorotate
atahighspeed. After cleaning, thedirty water andsmall particles arecollectedintothe
dirty water tank by asuctionmotor torealizethecleaning functionof thefloor surface.
Powerful vacuum cleaning
Theappliancecanbeusedfor vacuuming thecorners of thehouse, andthedry andwet
functions canbeswitchedatwill according to thedegreeof dirt onthefloor surface.