15. Do notusewithdamagedcableor charger. If applianceis notworking as itshould,
has beendropped, damaged, left outdoors, or droppedintowater, returnittoaservice
16. TurnOFF all controls beforeunplugging.
17. Useonly thetypeandamountof liquids specifiedunder theoperations sectionof this
18. Liquidmust notbedirectedtowards equipment containing electrical components.
19. Always connecttoaproperly earthedelectrical socket. Do not modify earthedplug.
20. Do notpull or carry charger by cable, usecableas ahandle, closedoor oncable, or
pull cablearoundsharpedges or corners.
21. Keepcharger cableaway fromheatedsurfaces.
22. Tounplug, graspthecharger plug, notthecable.
23. Do nothandlecharger plug or appliancewithwethands.
24. Battery pack andcharger baseoutputterminals arenottobeshort-circuited.
25. Do notchargetheunitoutdoors.
26. Theappliancemustbedisconnectedfromthesupply mains whenremoving the
27. Do notrecharge, disassemble, heatabove60°C, or incinerate.
28. Keepbatteries outof reachof children.
29. Disposeof usedbatteries promptly.
30. Never putbatteries inmouth. If swallowed, contact your physicianor local poison
31. Prevent unintentional starting. Ensuretheswitchis intheOFF-positionbeforepicking
upor carrying theappliance. Carrying theappliancewithyour finger ontheswitchor
energizing appliancethathavetheswitchoninvites accidents.
32. Do notuseappliancethatis damagedor modified. Damagedor modifiedbatteries
may exhibitunpredictablebehavior resulting infire, explosionor risk of injury.
33. Do notexposeappliancetofireor excessivetemperature. Exposuretofireor
temperatureabove130°C may causeexplosion.
34. Follow all charging instructions anddonotchargetheapplianceoutsideof the
1. This appliancecanbeusedby childrenagedfrom8 years andaboveif they havebeen
givensupervisionor instructionconcerning useof theapplianceinsafeway andif they
understandthehazards involved.Cleaning anduser maintenanceshall notbemadeby
childrenunless they areolder than8 andsupervised. Keeptheapplianceandits cordoutof
reachof childrenagedless than8 years.
2. Childrenshall notplay withtheappliance.
3. Unplug fromelectrical socketwhennot use, beforecleaning, maintaining or servicing
theappliance, andif your appliancehas anaccessory tool withamoving brush, before
connecting or disconnecting thetool.
4. Do notimmerseinwater or liquid.
5. Keepair, looseclothing, fingers, andall parts of body away fromopenings andmoving
parts of theapplianceandits accessories.
6. Do notusewithdamagedcableor plug.
7. If thesupply cordis damaged, itmust bereplacedby themanufacturer, its serviceagent
or similarly qualifiedpersons inorder toavoidahazard.
8. Do notincineratetheapplianceevenif itis severely damaged. Thebatteries can
9. Thebattery is tobedisposedof safely.
10. This appliancecontains batteries thatareonly replaceableby skilledpersons.
11. Under abusiveconditions, liquidmay beejectedfromthebattery; avoidcontact. If
contactaccidentally occurs, flushwith water. If liquidcontacts eyes, additionally seek
medical help. Liquidejectedfromthebattery may causeirritationor burns.
12. Rechargeonly withthecharger specifiedby themanufacturer. A charger thatis
suitablefor onetypeof battery pack may createarisk of firewhenusedwithanother
battery pack.
13. Unplug charger fromelectrical socketwhennotinuse, beforecleaning, maintaining
or servicing theappliance, andif your appliancehas anaccessory tool withamoving
brush, beforeconnecting or disconnecting thetool.
14. Thebattery mustberemovedfromtheappliancebeforeitis scrapped.