DIS/Modic Service Funnction Program
The Service Functions program of the DIS/MoDiC provides the Transport Mode activa-
tion/deactivation and Ride Height Offset functions (see next page).
Once the transport mode has been released, or if the system requires left to right side
height adjustment, the ride height "OFFSET" must be carried out to ensure that the vehi-
cles suspension has a base ride height level starting point.
The "HEIGHT OFFSET" is adjusted using the DIS or MoDiC. The procedure is as follows:
Place the vehicle on a level surface unloaded.
Access the Height Offset program in the service function menu.
Measure the base ride height from the lower edge of the wheel housing to the center of
the wheel hub.
Check measured height against the specifications listed
Use the DIS/MoDiC to correct the ride height if the value differs from the listed specifi-