For your convenience, you may also wish to
have your BMW center perform any neces-
sary operations to fulfill any state inspection
requirements in your area concurrent with the
maintenance elements specified above during
other repairs.
Make sure that confirmation of maintenance
work is always entered in this Service and
Warranty Information Booklet. You may need
this for any warranty claims that become
necessary, and later on as evidence that your
car has been given the correct and regular
maintenance that justifies its resale or trade-
in value.
BMW has applied the most modern techno-
logical advances not only to the design and
production of your vehicle, but also to
computing of the optimum maintenance inter-
val for your type of operations and driving
style. Your BMW center has made a substan-
tial investment in unique BMW special service
tools to enable his BMW factory trained
service technicians to perform quality repairs
on your BMW in minimal time. He/she looks
forward to serving your every service need
and to help maximize your satisfaction with
your BMW, its longevity, and resale value.
Quality Certification I
For a detailed list of items inspected, refer to
the Quality Certification I form provided to the
Owner at time of delivery. A copy of the form
is on file at the selling BMW center.
Special Note
The maintenance requirements for your
vehicle are determined dynamically by the
Condition Based Service System (CBS). The
maintenance items stated herein reflect the
latest information available at the time of the
printing of this statement, and are subject to
change. The most current maintenance
recommendations are available from your
authorized BMW center.
Quality Certification I
Performed by (selling BMW center/Stamp with Code)
Date _______________ Mileage _______________________
Signature of Service Manager _________________________
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