When finished, select
. Pressing BACK also saves the event.
Tip: Create an event quickly in the Day or Week view by selecting an empty
time slot. A new Event details screen appears. The
field contains the
selected time slot.
The View event screen
In the Day and Week views, when you highlight an event, a pop-up window
with more details opens (the window stays open for three seconds). To see even
more details, open the View event screen by touching the pop-up window.
From the Agenda view, simply select an event to open the View event screen.
From the Month view, first select the day of the event to go to either the Agenda
or and Day view, then select the event (Agenda view) or pop-up window (Day
From the View event screen, you can do the following:
View details: All the information you
ve entered about the event is displayed on
the View event screen.
Reset reminder: Select the Reminders pop-up menu to select a new reminder
Add reminder: Press MENU and select
Add reminder
to create another
reminder for the event. This will not replace existing reminders. You can have
up to five reminders per event.
Delete reminder: Either select the x to the right of a reminder, or press MENU
and select
Delete event
to remove the event from your calendar. If this is a
repeating event, you will be asked if you want to delete just this one instance,
this & future events, or all events.
Edit event: Press MENU and select
Edit event
to open the event for editing. If
this is a repeating event, you will be asked if you want to change just this one
instance, this & future events, or all events.
Event reminders
If you have set at least one reminder for an event (you can set up to five), the
upcoming event icon will appear in the left side of the status bar to remind you.
To view, dismiss, or snooze the reminder, do the following:
1. Touch the status bar and slide your finger down the screen to open the