AMS cassettes for 5B modules
Functional diagram
Modular amplifier technology.
The AMS amplifier systems from BMC Messsys-
teme GmbH can be equipped with different plug-
in cassettes of the AMS-K series - just so easy
and comfortable.
The right connection.
The available plug-in cassettes have different
connectors on the front panel. Depending on the
sensor or signal to be connected, the suitable cas-
sette can be chosen.
Equip individually.
The 5B modules are placed on the assigned posi-
tion of the cassette and screwed to the bracket.
Via the small bore holes at the relevant position
on the front panel, the potentiometers of the 5B
modules can still be reached for calibration even
after being mounted into the AMS device.
Plug-in. Screw tightly. Done.
The equipped individual cassettes are pushed
along guide bars into the AMS device, plugged
into the backplane with the front panel being
screwed tightly to the AMS housing. Unneeded
slots are covered by a blank panel.
It's all in the combination.
As the cassettes equipped with different 5B mod-
ules can be used in any combination, the AMS
amplifier system can perfectly be adapted to the
measuring task.
Versions and options.
Something for everybody.
AMS devices are available in two sizes: as a mo-
bile tabletop unit in 42HP format, or as a station-
ary 19'' rack system in 84HP format.
The 42HP version features eight slots for the
plug-in cassettes, the 84HP sixteen accordingly.
This number can optionally be increased
) to 16 or 32 at the maximum.