In order to connect BLUMIL GO, it is necessary to drive the wheelchair to the
front of the bumper. The center bracket hook should be above the rear bar of
the wheelchair. If, during approaching, the central bracket gets caught, it must
be raised or lowered using the
buttons. If the front of
the footrest is in contact with the bumper, you can press the
The front of the wheelchair will start to raise. Keep the button pressed until the
clamp rests on the footrest of the wheelchair. After connecting, make sure that
the system is firmly connected by moving the steering handle from side to side
so that there is no movement.
Pressing the Connect button for too long
after connecting the system may damage the
wheelchair frame.
To disconnect the system, press the Disconnect button and keep it pressed until
the front wheels of the wheelchair are lowered and the central bracket rises
above the rear bar of the wheelchair. You can then freely move out with the