The clamp after connecting the drive to the wheelchair should always press
the footrest firmly and should be above the front tube of the wheelchair's
footrest. By adjusting the position of the clamp you also change the height to
which the front wheelchair wheels are raised. You can try different setups to
find your optimal riding position and ground clearance.
The length of the clamp can be adjusted by loosening the two fixing screws
and fixing the correct height. After adjustment, tighten the screws firmly.
The clamp can be positioned also turned around 180 degrees. It is important
to choose the best fit for your wheelchair, as all the wheelchairs are different.
Here are some basic rules to read before using the BLUMIL GO. It should be used
cautiously. Pay special attention to warnings and instructions in this manual.
During the first ride on BLUMIL GO, start with a flat surface with good grip, free
from obstacles.
Before driving, make sure that the
adjustments according to the instructions have been
Do not drive in difficult terrain until you
have experience in driving.
To accelerate, press the throttle.
To slow down or stop, press the brake. To stop completely, it is necessary to catch
the rear wheels of the wheelchair with your hands.
When riding up too steep hills the Blumil GO might turn itself off to prevent
overheating and damaging the motor.