- Starting point of function after 3 seconds, the user can according to the
actual cooking in 1 minute- 60 minutes to adjust the timing, the specific
operation please refer to timing function.
Pork ribs
- Selected point after, point function indicator light, a machine to the
default mode start, for 30 minutes health evaporate, into the 30 minutes
after the completion of the heat preservation condition, and then the
automatic alarm turned off
- Start pork ribs function after the three seconds, the user can need accord-
ing to actual cooking in 1 minute - 60 minutes time to adjust timing, and
specific operations refer to that time function.
Hot pot/Water
- Selected hot pot after function, hot pot function indicator light, machine
default 2100 W power work.
- The user can accord the actual cooking need to press " " and " "
button in the 120 W-2100 W power adjustment range.
Function: Fry, Soup, Congee, Low fire, Warm
- Standby or other work of the state, press the "Function" button, the hot
pot function indicator light, repeatedly by "Function" key can in hot pot,
fry, steam, soup, congee, switch between soft fire, select the correspond-
ing function, the machine to correspond to the default mode start.
- Selected Fry function, Fry function indicator light, the default 160
machine work.
- The user can according to the actual cooking need to press " " and " "
button in the 60 -240 temperature range adjust Fried.
- Selected soup function, soup function indicator light, a machine to the
default mode start, 2 hours for intelligent slow pot, into two hours after the
completion of the heat preservation condition, and then the automatic
alarm turned off.
Start soup function after the three seconds, the user can need according
to actual cooking in 1 hour, 4 hours time adjusts timing, and specific
operations refer to that time function.
- Manual function ("for" and "salute", "inline skate fire", "hot pot", "Fry", "low
fire") state, press the "Time/Appointment" button, 3 seconds to press the
- Selected congee function, congee function indicator light, a machine to
the default mode start, 60 minutes intelligent congee, into two hours after
the completion of the heat preservation condition, and then the auto-
matic alarm turned off.
- Start congee function after the three seconds, the user can need accord-
ing to actual cooking in 10 minutes to 2 hours time adjust timing, specific
operations refer to that time function.
Low fire
- The selected after fire function, soft fire function indicator light, machine
default 300W for heating.
- The user can accord the actual cooking need to press " " and " " button
in the 120W-600W power adjustment range.
- The selected warm function, warm function indicator light, machine
default 300W for heating.
- The user can accord the actual cooking need to press " " and " " button
in the 120W-600W power adjustment range.
Special design of humanistic child safety locks, can follow Induction
cooker lock buttons, prevent children unattended tamper with disorderly
with unsafe factors happen.
In the working status, long press "Child locker" key more than 3 seconds,
can start Child locker function, Child locker function indicator light, Child
locker start, the executing function state unchanged.
Unlock methods: long press "Child locker" or "the on/off button" more
than 3 seconds, can cancel Child locker function.
Single click " " and " " key to 1 file for a single unit adjustment, long press
can be adjusted quickly.
Timer function instruction
Child lock
Power/Temperature regulation