Accessed from Phone Settings option in Settings on
the main menu.
1) Wallpaper: Select a file to be used as a background
on Idle screen. Choose from either system files or user
defined image stored on the phone.
2) Screen Saver. Select a file to be used as a
background on the screen when the phone is not in
use. Choose from either system files or user defined
image stored on the phone. Switch this feature on or
off from this menu
3) Show Date and time on Idle screen.
Flight Mode
Accessed from Phone Settings option in Settings in
the main menu. Put the phone into flight mode for use
while travelling.
Misc. Settings/LCD Backlight
Accessed from Phone Settings option in Settings in
the main menu. Set Brightness and Time duration for
screen’s LCD backlight.
Network Settings
After entering this function, press Up/Down key to
browse the settings, you can press the Send key
to select from the options: Network Selection and
Network Selection
Accessed from Network Settings option in Settings in
the main menu. You can set “ Automatic” ( preferred) or
“Manual”. When you select “ Automatic” ,the phone
will select the network corresponding to the SIM card.