background image

Step 1  


Locate both rails (


) and stand them up with the curved 

ends at the top.  


The rails are interchangeable; it does not matter which one 
is placed on the right or left. There 
are four sets of holes on rails and 
the steps may be installed in any 



Insert one step (


) between the two 

rails and line up the holes on the 
sides of the step with a set of the 
pre-drilled holes on the ladder. 

Make sure the treads are facing up 
towards the curved part of the rails. 




To secure step, place one bolt (


) through the 

pre-drilled hole from the 


 of the ladder 

and through the pre-drilled hole on the step. 


Once the bolt is through the 
opening in the step, place one 
nut (


) over the bolt 

underneath the step as shown. 


Screw nut (


) onto bolt and hand tighten. 




Repeat for three remaining steps. 


Once all four steps are in place you will need 
to tighten all bolts completely. Use pliers to 
hold each nut in place and tighten each bolt 
with Phillips head screwdriver. 


