(Diagram 23)
(Diagram 24)
(Diagram 25)
Remove the clothes pins one at a time while applying the top rails (see diagram 23).
Slide the rail connectors into one end of the top rail, make sure to leave a 0.6-in (1.5cm) gap
between the two ends of the rail (see diagram 24), then connect another top rail and continue
around the circle until all top rails are joined together (see diagram 24).
Do not cut the excess liner overlap from the outside of the pool wall yet. If you cut off the overlap,
it will make the next installation step difficult. Finish connecting the top rails to complete the
circumference of the pool. Adjust the amount of the gaps to either expand or close up the top rail
as needed. You will need to cut off any excess top rail as you did the bottom rail to make the
final connection.
Do not cut the excess liner
overlap from the outside of
the pool wall yet.