Boxfish Grabber – Blue Robotics
All rights reserved. Information and specifications may change at any time without notice.
Care of your grabber after a dive
Thoroughly rinse the grabber with fresh water after a dive, along with the ROV.
How to use the ROV without a grabber
You can dive with the grabber mounted backwards if it is not needed for a dive.
If you wish to dive without the grabber, you must remove the whole device
including its cable into the ROV.
How to remove grabber cable
This procedure involves releasing the vacuum from the ROV so that you can
remove the grabber port plug from the pressure vessel. You will also need to
locate a port plug from your accessories box to replace the grabber cable plug.
Ensure the ROV is powered off
. Then,
unscrew the black knurled collar from
the vacuum port at the rear of the ROV.
Pull out the valve to release the vacuum.
As soon as the vacuum is released,
replace the cap onto vacuum port.
After the vacuum is released, locate the
port for the grabber cable (it will be
labelled ‘GRAB’).
Unscrew the black knurled collar with
your fingers.