MODEL YA1544A / YA1545
For your
safety, read, understand, and
the information contained within.
The owner and operator shall have an
understanding of these products and safe
operating procedures before attempting to
use. Instructions and Safety information
shall be conveyed in the operators native
language before use of these products is
authorized. Make certain that the operator
thoroughly understands the inherent dan-
gers associated with the use and misuse
of the product. If any doubt exists as to
the safe and proper use of this product as
outlined in this factory authorized manual,
remove from service immediately.
Inspect before each use.
Do not use
if there are broken, bent, cracked or
otherwise damaged parts (including
labels). If any component of these
products has been or suspected to have
been subjected to a shock load (a load
dropped suddenly, unexpectedly upon
it), discontinue use until checked out by
a Snap-on
authorized service center.
Owners and operators of this equipment
shall be aware that the use and subsequent
repair of this equipment may require
special training and knowledge. It is
recommended that an annual inspection
be done by qualified personnel and that
any missing or damaged parts, decals,
warning / safety labels or signs be replaced
with Snap-on authorized replacement
parts only. Any component of these Body
Repair Kits that appears to be damaged in
any way, is worn or operates abnormally
shall be removed from service immediately
until such time as it can be repaired/
replaced. Labels and Operator's Manuals
are available from manufacturer.
Blue-Point Hydraulic Body Repair Kits
are designed to be used for pushing,
spreading, and pressing of vehicle body
panels as well as various component parts
and assemblies. YA1544A is rated 8,000
psi with a 4 Ton ram and YA1545 is rated
10,000 psi with a 10 Ton ram.
when extension tubes and/
or offset attachments are used, the rated
capacity is always reduced by 50 % for each
tube or offset attachment connected. See
Parts Section for identification of "offset"
1. Read the manual completely and
familiarize yourself thoroughly with the
product, its components and recognize
the hazards associated with its use
before using this product.
2. Inspect before each use. Do not use
if there are bent, broken, leaking or
damaged components (including labels).
3. Ensure the product and application are
compatible and all parts of your kit are
included (see illustration and parts list).
remove the dust caps and plugs
from hose coupler and ram coupler.
5. Connect hose coupler to ram coupler.
6. Ensure there are no fluid leaks.
7. Locate and open release valve, pump
handle a few strokes to purge air from
system. Close release valve and pump
handle until ram is fully extended, then
open release valve until ram has fully
8. Place pump in horizontal position with
ram fully retracted and release valve
9. Locate and open oil filler screw (on
reservoir body, near the back). This
will release air trapped within the
reservoir. Retighten the oil filler screw.
General Safety Information:
1. Ensure the attachments are fully
engaged before applying load.
2. Ensure the load is centrally applied to
attachment or ram saddle. Do not load
off center.
3. Always monitor the force applied to
workpiece by using a load cell and
indicator or you may monitor pressure
developed in the ram by using an inline
pressure gauge, then calculate the
applied force using the formula: F
= P x A,
where F = lbs force, P = pressure in
PSI, and A = effective ram area in in².
Ram Area of YA1544A is: 1.00 in²
Ram Area of YA1545 is: 2.41in²
(refer to page 7 for load-pressure
4. If bowing or bending of ram or any
attachment occurs during use,
release pressure immediately and
reconsider application. Application
may not be compatible with product,
a ram kit with a higher capacity may
be needed.