Blue Cat's Stereo Flanger plug-in uses a skinnable user interface. The appearance and behavior of the
user interface can thus change a lot depending on the chosen skin. This section will expose you the
different controls you may encounter in these skins and the way they can behave. A well designed
skin should be easy to use anyway.
You can control the plug-in via MIDI Control Change messages as well and customize the way you
interact with MIDI messages. See the
main menu
section for more information.
Controls examples
Here are a few examples of possibles controls you may encounter in the user interface:
Text control
General Behavior
Setting the keyboard focus on a control (so that it receives key events) may be automatic (when you
pass the mouse over it it gets focus) or manual (you have to click on the control to set the focus on
It is usually made obvious to you to know the active surfaces of the skin (the places where you can
click): the mouse cursor usually changes when you can do something on a control. In the default
skins delivered with the plug-in, the cursor changes to a small hand to tell you when your mouse is
over an active control.
All control widgets support the following keys (note that some of them are caught by the host and
thus never forwarded to the control. For example in Steinberg Cubase SX you cannot us the arrow
Common behavior
Up Arrow
Small increment of the position (up or right)
Down Arrow
Small increment of the position (down or left)
Left Arrow
Same as Down Arrow
Right Arrow
Same as Up Arrow
Page Up
Large increment of the position (up or right)
Page Down
Large decrement of the position (down or left)
Small increment of the value of the control
Small decrement of the value of the control
Blue Cat's Stereo Flanger User Manual
Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Guillaume Jeulin