Proper water level must be maintained within the jacket for the kettle to operate. Depletion
of water may occur from excessive opening of, or leakage through the safety relief valve.
If water is below required operating level, either initially at start-up or during use, the kettle
will automatically shut off, and the LOW WATER signal light will come on.
In order for the kettle to operate, the following procedure must be followed:
1. Trip the safety relief valve lever to relieve all pressure from the kettle jacket.
2. At exterior rear of kettle jacket remove nut from Air Vent.
3. Insert funnel into Air Vent opening and slowly add the indicated amount of distilled
water for:
Add 50 oz.
(1.5 litres)
KTG-10E and KTG-12E
Add 100 oz.
(3 litres)
4. Replace Air Vent nut.
5. Follow Air Venting Instructions below.
6. Continue normal Operating Procedure of kettle.
Check pressure gauge when kettle is cold. Gauge should be in the green vacuum zone. If
not, air is present which must be vented (removed) for proper heating. Use the following
procedures to vent air.
1. With an empty kettle, place power switch to the ON position.
2. Set temperature control thermostat to ‘10'. Heat kettle until heat indicator light goes off.
3. Using a 7/16" wrench, open bleed vent one full turn for 10 seconds and then close.
4. Cool kettle. Check for proper vacuum in the green vacuum zone. If reading is not low
enough, repeat entire procedure, steps 1 to 3.