To determine which of the three zones eliminates the best influence of soil is
- choose the auto ground balance working mode (GROUND switch turned to "AUTO" position);
- turn the DISCR LEVEL potentiometer to "GBS" position (Ground Balance Setting);
- turn THRESHOLD potentiometer to a level, just before the level where the metal detector
starts slightly zoom sound made (issued torn sound, buzzing, whiz) or one or two levels before
the level of zoom (recommended for beginners searchers).
Then is done vertical (up-down) movement of the search coil ranging from 2-3 cm to 20-25 cm
above the terrain and simultaneously switch AUTO ZONES switches alternately between the
three available positions (zones).
Most appropriate for use is the zone where the descriptions in the way of movement of the metal
detector search coil does not beeps or issue possible weak sound, or at least to pre-set audio
threshold level did not change significantly.
In mineralized terrains, if has a strong responsive signal from the terrain and selection of most
appropriate auto ground zone is difficult or the seeker has small practical experience, is
recommended THRESHOLD potentiometer to return with one or two levels back at the level
where the metal detector starts to slightly zoom, then proceeding to the descriptions above
balancing. In addition, in order to reduce the response signal from the ground, can be set in
advance desired level of discrimination (DISCR LEVEL potentiometer from level "GBS" is placed
in the desired operating level) and then performed described above choice of zone.
Described above, vertical movement of the search coil, to the choice of most appropriate auto
ground zone, should be carried at an area with no metal objects near the search coil, ie the piece of
land on which it is described vertical movement of the search coil should not contain metal objects.
Otherwise they would interfere the selection process zone therefore can not be selected most
appropriate auto ground zone. Whether the area is clean is easily established, when the search
coil is moved horizontally above the terrain, ie without changing its distance towards the
ground. When there are no metal objects, the predefined from the THRESHOLD potentiometer
sound would not be changed.
After the choosing of auto ground zone has been finished, the GROUND switch remains in
"AUTO" position (auto ground balance), while the DISCR LEVEL and THRESHOLD
potentiometers are turned to the desired levels.
When changing the terrain with another, significantly different from the previous (changing the soil
characteristics), to the device remain stable, necessary as described above, again to assess what is
most appropriate in cases where auto ground zone.
9.4. GROUND potentiometer
The GROUND potentiometer serves for suppressing the ground interference
while in a manual ground balance working mode.
For manual adjustment of the ground balance is needed:
- to be chosen the manual ground balance working mode (GROUND
switch turned to "MANUAL" position);
- the DISCR LEVEL potentiometer to be turned at "GBS" position (Ground
Balance Setting);
- the THRESHOLD potentiometer to be turned at a level, just before the
level where the metal detector starts slightly zoom sound made (issued
torn sound, buzzing, whiz) or one or two levels before the level of zoom
(recommended for beginners searchers).
Then is done vertical (up-down) movement of the search coil ranging from 2-3 cm to 20-25 cm
above the terrain, simultaneously with turning the GROUND potentiometer. At some levels of
the GROUND potentiometer scale, the sound is louder when the search coil is near the ground,
while at others the sound is louder when the search coil is high above the ground.
User Guide (version EN201008241400)
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