Copyright ©2022 SemaConnect, LLC. All rights reserved.
Once your stations have been installed and prior to initial energization,
please contact Customer Service at 1-800-663-5633 or
[email protected] to complete station enrollment
If modified output configurations are needed, please provide the following information for each station:
Panel voltage:
(Example - 120/208V or 120/240V)
Circuit numbers & amperage feeding the charging stations:
CKT 37/39 2 Pole 60A)
Serial Numbers connected to each circuit number:
(Example: BAE****** Circuit 37/39)
If load management is needed, please provide the following information for each station:
Panel(s) name:
Panel(s) voltage & amperage:
(Example - 120/208V 225A)
Circuit numbers & amperage feeding the charging stations:
CKT 37/39 2 Pole 100A)
Serial Numbers connected to each circuit number:
(Example: BAE****** Circuit 37/39)
After installation, station registration, and load management and/or modified output configurations have been
completed (if applicable) the SemaConnect station is ready to be energized. After energizing the station, both at-a-
glance LED lights should illuminate BLUE. If both station at-a-glance LED lights do not illuminate BLUE, please refer to
the following troubleshooting guidance:
No LED lights or LCD screen: Voltage not present. Verify proper wiring, voltage, and circuit breaker(s) status
Both LED lights RED, LCD screen displays, “Customer Service 1
5633”: Station registration needs to be
Both LED lights RED, LCD screen displays, “GF 0800”: Grounding problem. Check/verify solidly grounded
electrical system integrity
One LED light RED, one LED light BLUE, LCD screen displays, “GF 0100” or “GF0900”: Voltage
is not present to
side of station illuminated RED. Verify proper wiring, voltage, and circuit breaker(s) status
Both LED lights PURPLE, LCD scre
en displays, “Station Offline, Limited Access”: Station not communicating with
SemaConnect Network platform due to inadequate cellular signal
Please contact SemaConnect Customer Service at 1-800-663-5633 for any questions or issues not listed.