Important notes
When mounting the bike or moving the bike, ensure the display is switched off or in "0" power-assistance mode
If you need the trike to stay stationary, use the brake lock feature on the left-hand brake lever
If you wish to use the blue PAS button to move the trike without pedalling up to 6 km/hr, please make sure that
you are prepared and have space for the trike to move forwards
Familiarise yourself with the operation of the power-assist feature.
Using the Display
Before riding ensure you are familiar with the operation of the display:
Switch the battery on then press the top button on the display it will then be operational
Speed settings using MODE are low-med-high
When the power assistance is off, the e-trike is ridden in mechanical mode
When PAS is turned on, low setting offers lowest speed assistance increasing through medium to high
We suggest moderating the use of the PAS subject to conditions
The braking system on this electric tricycle has a motor cut out feature
Pedal the tricycle to engage the pedal assistance system
When mounting the bike or moving the bike, ensure the display is switched off
Operation tips
Give yourself time to become accustomed to riding your trike. We recommended starting by simply pedalling around
and get the hang of steering, stopping (using your brakes) and negotiating your way through some obstacles which can
be a challenge at first, given the width behind you.
Tricycles will always want to follow road camber, so they generally
give the impression of pulling to the left. You will get used to this.
Changing gears:
This can be done while stationary or pedalling as long as you pause pedal pressure to allow the gears to shift. 1 is the
easy gear for slow speed and steep inclines. 3 is the high gear for travelling at speed on flat or downhill terrain. 2 is the
moderate gears for riding at medium speed. The gears are there to match the needs of the rider, speed and terrain.
Using the gear selector is easy. To change gears, twist the inner grip and view the number in the window on the selector.
Using the electrics:
Switch the battery on then switch the display. Select your preferred assistance level using the plus or minus buttons.
There are three levels, so if you are new to this, start by using low assistance. Electric assistance commences when you
pedal and ceases when you stop pedalling or when the brakes are applied. Assistance can be changed while you ride by
pressing the green MODE button to increase your speed. If you feel that the e-trike is going faster than your comfort
level, apply the brakes. This cancels the power to the motor and applies the brakes at the same time. Cycle through the
power settings until lower and resume pedalling.
Battery Charging
The charge port is next to the switch on the battery. Always reinsert the rubber cover after removing the charger plug.
Please charge (top up) the battery prior to first use.
Always have charger
switched off
before connecting to bike
When you turn the e-trike on, the LED will turn
when charging then
when fully charged
It is recommended to switch off charger once charged
Do not drop the charger as it contains sensitive electronics and damage may result
Do not cover with any material or substance that may restrict airflow into or around the charger. The charger
needs to be kept cool
Only charge the battery when necessary. Refer Information provided by BF e-Bikes to improve battery
Do not leave the battery discharged for long periods as this can damage the battery