13 continued
Now solder the pins.
Make sure the battery holder is as flush to the
board as you can get it. This is best achieved
by holding down the board on the table while
soldering the pins.
Install the chips. Gently squeeze their pins to-
wards each other so they fit into the sockets.
Make sure the text is right side up and that the
notch is on the left.
Put a battery in and turn on the switch.
Success! You now have a functioning
If you’re having problems with it:
- Are the chips in the correct direction?
- Is the battery dead?
- Do all the solder point look like they should?
It’s not enough for there to just be some solder
on them. Large blobs of solder might not be
conducting properly. You should not be able
to see the pad.
If it doesn’t come on and you’ve checked ev
erything a couple times, the best advice is to
come back to it later. Seriously! I cannot count
the number of times I have spent hours infuriat-
ed by a project, only to look at it the next day
and find the problem immediately.
If you still have problem, feel free to contact us