BlazeVideo, Inc.
Tel: +86-755-26509948 Fax: +86-755-26503188 Website:
Address: Room 420, Se ction B, Shennan Ga r den Building, Hi -tech I ndustrial Park , Nansha n District,
Shen zhen, P RC 518057
Select "Setting..." in above menu to pop up below box:
The converted file will be saved in the preset destination folder, default saved in My Documents, please see "Record
Setting" for output setting of converted file.
Bookmark Management
Bookmarks lets you save the location of your favorite scenes, so that you can jump right to them. Click on the bookmark will
playback the tagged position of the movie. You can create multiple bookmarks without confusion, for we support the preview of
each bookmark's tagged position.
, switch to Bookmark.