OM-AF20.1 E V1.02
May 15, 2015
Page 40
Your Blaze King is designed to allow a wide selection of heat output levels. If you begin to lose control of the amount of heat the stove
is emitting, determine the cause early so that major problems may be avoided.
e six major needs of a well-controlled fi re are:
Knowledgeable operator.
Adequate air supply.
Firewood of good quality and proper size.
Catalytic combustor in good condition.
Clean chimney, properly sized and installed.
Door gasket tight and fi rm.
Considering all of the above, number one is the most important for safe and effi
cient operation of any woodstove. Please study the
operation instructions carefully. Consult your BLAZE KING dealer or call the Customer Service Department at Blaze King in the
U.S.A. at 509-522-2730 or in Canada at 250-493-7444 if you have any questions not answered in this manual.
All of the six above mentioned needs are interrelated. A defi ciency in any one will aff ect all of the others. If you encounter a problem,
determine the source of the problem and then follow-up by checking the other needs as possible contributing factors.
PROBLEM: Chimney Fire
Act immediately regardless of cause
Turn the thermostat to lowest setting, check loading door to be
sure it is tightly closed.
Call Fire Department.
Aft er the fi re is out, have your chimney and fl ue connector inspected by a certifi ed chimney sweep. A damaged masonry chimney
should be repaired or rebuilt. A prefabricated chimney (factory built) that is damaged should be replaced. Any damage to the fl ue
connector should be corrected before the system is used again.
Possible causes of a chimney fi re, and remedies for those causes, can be found further in this section: “Excessive Creosote Formation”,
and “Spots of Creosote Accumulation in Chimney or Flue Connector”.
PROBLEM: Not enough heat.
Green or wet wood.
Not enough fuel in stove.
Use seasoned wood. Don’t be afraid to FULLY load the stove. A
FULL load of wood won’t burn any hotter than the thermostat is
Obstruction in chimney or cap screen.
Combustor plugged or coated.
Remove obstruction. See “COMBUSTOR, TESTING”
Combustor not functioning.
If needed, replace combustor, See”“COMBUSTOR, REPLACING”.
Thermostat set too low.
Raise thermostat setting.
Thermostat not operating properly.
Consult your Blaze King dealer.
Poor draft caused by an oversize fl ue
Measure draft with Manometer. See “CHIMNEY DRAFTS”
Consult your Blaze King dealer or a chimney sweep.
Strong, gusting winds causing downdraft in
Install wind-resistant chimney cap. Directional caps may not stay
freely rotating. If you have a directional cap, check it frequently.
Tightly sealed house, inadequate air supply.
Slightly open a window, near the stove or install an outside air kit.
Reloading too much wood on top of too few coals.
Allow a larger bed of coals to build up.