Version 1.04
March 2011
APEX cbt
Page 14
In some installations it is necessary to move the bypass handle system from the left (default) to the right
side of the furnace. This is possible by unbolting the system on the left and reinstall on the right (The
round plate on the right makes place for the bypass handle but need to be installed on the left after the
change-over) Make sure to adjust the handle position and latch so proper seal is achieved on bypass
door. Reroute wiring. Fig. 7 shows the correct mounting of the handle latches when moved to right side.
Before any changes are made to the existing furnace system you must establish the working parameters
of that system. You can then insure that addition of the add-on has not degraded the operation of the
original system, and correct air flow will be maintained. Change all filters in the system to insure
maximum free air flow. Using an accurate manometer check the static pressure at the end of a typical
duct near the exit to the house. Check the static pressure in the plenum above the existing furnace also.
Pressure drop = Static pressure at furnace -(minus) static pressure at duct exit
Record the pressure drop of the original system.
Addition of the add-on furnace will add airflow resistance in the system. After installation is complete
measure the pressure drop in the same run measured before add-on installation. If the air flow has
diminished the blower speed should be adjusted to compensate. When using a belted blower the pulley
size should be changed or adjusted to speed up the blower. If the pulley size is adjusted measure the
blower motor current to insure that it is still within the motor plate specification. It may be necessary to
replace the motor with a more powerful motor. If a direct drive blower is used change to a higher motor
speed. Do not change the blower size.
Fig. 6
Fig. 7