The Pond Oxygenator Pumps have been designed to be weather-proof, so they are able to be
installed in most locations around the garden, or in a shed or garage, close to your chosen power
supply. Ensure that the air pump is installed above the pond water level to avoid back siphoning of
pond water into the air pump in the event of a mains power failure. Alternatively, if the air pump can
only be installed below the pond level install Aqua Air Check Valves into each piece of air line. The
air pump should be located on a firm surface which will not vibrate and act as a sounding board, a
concrete floor or paving slab would be ideal.
Position the air pump in a clean and dust free environment. Excessive dirt will block the air filters,
reducing the air pumps performance and increase the speed of wear on replaceable parts.
Connecting the air line and air stones
Your Pond Oxygenator has been designed to run continuously and ideally unrestricted. This will
maintain maximum performance and the best possible life span for all replaceable parts e.g.
diaphragms and flapper valves.
Ideally all outlets should have an air line and air stone connected, this will give your pond maximum
aeration and ensure that damaging back pressure is kept to a minimum. Over time, air stones will
become blocked leading to a reduction in air pump performance, therefore it is advised to replace
the air stones every twelve months as a minimum, or more frequently depending on the cleanliness of
the air pumps environment.
Attach one end of the air line to the metal outlet on the Pond Oxygenator, attach the air stone to
the other end of the air line. Then simply place the air stone into your pond or filter, and turn on
the air pump.
The air stones should be positioned to provide maximum aeration and circulation in the pond. (Note:
for use in winter, the air stones should be placed no lower than 30cm from the bottom of the pond,
this will ensure the warmer lower water regions remain undisturbed.)
The air pump must be stood the correct way up – with all four rubber feet
touching the surface on which it is installed. This will ensure the maximum protection from
adverse weather conditions. Water ingress will cause damage, and void the warranty.