Consult local laws and ordinances before choosing a location
to fl y your aircraft.
Select a large, open area away from people and objects. Your fi rst fl ights should
be outdoors in low-wind conditions. Always stay at least 45 feet (15 meters)
away from the helicopter when it is fl ying.
Do not attempt to fl y the Blade 600 X indoors.
The Blade 600 X is intended for pilots with experience fl ying
aerobatic, collective pitch helicopters. The Blade 600 X is more responsive
than other Blade helicopters. If you are not an experienced 3D or collective pitch
helicopter pilot, do not attempt to fl y this product.
Gradually increase the throttle, allowing the rotors time to come up to speed.
Do not give any aileron, elevator or rudder commands before the
helicopter lifts off. Any control inputs prior to liftoff could cause a crash.
The helicopter will lift off the ground when the rotor head reaches a suitable
speed and you apply collective pitch. Once airborne, establish a low-level hover
to verify everything is functioning properly. DO NOT use trim to assist in holding
the Blade 600 X in a desired position. The AR7200BX Flybarless Stabilization
System renders trim unnecessary by working to keep the helicopter in whatever
attitude you command with the control sticks.
This aircraft is extremely sensitive to control inputs. We recommend you fl y at
low rate settings for the fi rst few fl ights until you are familiar with its response.
For pilots new to collective pitch helicopters, familiarize yourself with your Blade
600 X in normal mode and at low rate.
Always fl y the helicopter with your back to the sun and wind to
prevent loss of fl ight control.
Establish a low level hover. Deliberately lower the throttle until the helicopter
lands. Make only small control corrections during this time to avoid rotor blade
strikes or other damage.
When the helicopter is in stunt mode:
• The rotor head speed is constant.
• The main rotor will increase negative pitch as the throttle/collective stick is
moved from the middle stick position to the low stick position. Negative pitch
allows the helicopter to fl y upside down and perform aerobatics.
Change between stunt and normal modes in a hover with the throttle near the
hovering stick position.
The helicopter may go up or down when you change between modes due to the
difference in the throttle and pitch curves.
To minimize damage, always activate throttle hold in preparation for or
during a crash.
Only use Blade 600 X approved carbon fi ber main blades.
Do not use wooden main blades with the Blade 600 X. Using wooden
main blades may cause injury or property damage.
As you become more familiar with the helicopter’s response, adjust the rates,
expo, pitch and throttle curves to suit your fl ying style.
Flight Guidelines and Warnings
Flying Your 600X
• Always keep aircraft in sight and under control.
• Always keep people and pets at least 45 feet (15 meters) away when the
battery is connected.
• Keep children out of the vicinity of this product at all times.
• Always turn on throttle hold at rotor strike.
• Always use fullly charged batteries.
• Always keep transmitter powered on while aircraft is powered.
• Always remove batteries before disassembly.
• Always keep moving parts clean.
• Always keep parts dry.
• Always let parts cool after use before touching.
• Always remove batteries after use.
• Always have a fi rst aid kit with you.
• Always have an appropriate fi re extinguisher with you.
• Never operate aircraft with damaged wiring.
• Never touch moving parts.
Low Voltage Cutoff (LVC)
Low voltage cutoff (LVC) protects the Li-Po battery from overdischarge in fl ight
and activates when the battery reaches 3V per cell under load.
Set your transmitter timer for 4 minutes and land when the timer expires.
Repeatedly activating LVC damages the fl ight battery and you will need to
replace the battery.
Crash damage and battery damage are not covered under warranty.
Always disconnect and remove the Li-Po battery from the aircraft after each
fl ight. Charge your Li-Po battery to about half capacity before storage. During
storage, make sure battery charge does not fall below 3V per cell. A connected
battery will result in trickle discharge.