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The Bokashi Bin System

You can transform ALL food waste (including cooked food, meat, fish and cheese) into a super healthy 
nutrient rich, compost with the help of this small and compact system in your kitchen - no smells, no 

flies! Once treated in the Bokashi Bin, this material can safely be turned into compost.

What is the Bokashi Bin System?

It is one of the most effective methods of recycling kitchen organic waste. It is carried out in an air tight
container using Bokashi as a compost activator.

Bokashi is a Japanese term meaning “Fermented Organic Matter”. It is bran-based material that has been
inoculated with beneficial micro-organisms (a mix of friendly bacteria, yeasts and fungi) which help to 
speed up the composting process, suppress pathogens as well as preventing putrefaction and foul smells.

The fermentation process does not produce adverse smells so you can keep the bucket under the sink or
in the home.


  No smells because friendly safe bacteria are used.

  No fruit flies because the process does not require air.

  Small & compact for the kitchen.

   Cooked and uncooked food including meat, fish, fruit and vegetables may be safely composted in 

a home compost bin when processed with the Bokashi Bin system.

  Will rebuild the soil in your garden and will decontaminate soil from harmful pathogens and pollutants.

   Watch your garden bloom with new life if you bury your fermented food waste directly under the 

soil or make into compost in a compost bin.

  Be part of an organic solution by directing food waste away from the landfill

Items that 




 be put into the Bokashi Bin

Instructions for Use

Before use fit the tap to the Bokashi Bin.

1. Simply put your cooked

and uncooked food scraps

into the Bokashi Bin.

2. Sprinkle a handful of

Bokashi on top of the food

waste each time you put

scraps into the bucket, ideally

all of the food scraps should

be covered with Bokashi bran.

3. Press the material down using the trowel provided to

extract the air from the organic matter.

4. Keep the lid shut at all times. This is an anaerobic

composting system - the less air the better.

5. Drain any excess liquid produced using the tap at

the base of the composter as often as possible. This

allows the material to decompose at a quicker rate

(Instructions for what to do with the liquid are overleaf).

When the bucket is full, close the lid tightly and leave for around two weeks - this

allows the fermentation process to commence. Any excess liquid should be

drained off during the fermentation process.

In the meantime start filling your second bucket. When the second bucket 

is full, empty the first bucket. Always rinse the bucket thoroughly

before filling again.

The resulting material can be added to a home composter. For best

results keep this material covered with soil and other compostable

material. Alternatively dig into a trench in the garden and cover over.

Double Kit includes:

2 x Bokashi Bin buckets with taps, lids, handles 
and inner drain trays, 2 x trowel and 
2 x scoop. 1kg of Bokashi Bran 

(2 months supply)



Food Scraps & Leftovers

- Fruit & Veg
- Dairy Products
- Meat & Bones
- Fish

Prepared Foods

- Pizza, Burgers, Snacks
- Baked foods, cakes

Other Organic Material

- Spent flowers
- Coffee Grounds

Bottles & Cans

- Plastic
- Glass
- Aluminium


- Metal 

(Foil, Staples)

- Plastics


- Tobacco Ash
- Tea Bags
- Pet Waste

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