Factory Reset
The default factory patches and settings can be restored to your amplifier at any
time. Simply hold down the MOD, DLY and REV switches simultaneously, whilst
switching on the amplifier.
The voice LED will count down to indicate that a factory reset is imminent. If any of
the MOD, DLY and REV switches are released before the Voice LEDs have switched
off, then the operation is cancelled and the amplifier will remain unaffected.
This process will overwrite any user saved patches and settings.
Front Panel
1. Input
Plug your guitar in here. Always use a good quality screened guitar lead.
2. Voice
The Voice control selects the instrument type and preamp voicing. There are twelve
Blackstar Voices which are accessed in two banks of six; simply push down the
Voice control to toggle between the two Voice banks:
Red LED – Electric Guitar Voices
Clean Warm – Classic clean, dynamic
Clean Bright – ‘Boutique’, will break up when pushed hard
Crunch – Classic medium gain overdrive
Super Crunch – More gain and punch than Crunch
OD 1 – Hot-rodded Master Volume overdrive
OD 2 – Mid boosted overdrive
Green LED – Alternative Instrument Voices
Acoustic 1 – Flat response, perfect for acoustic guitars with active EQ
Acoustic 2 – Dynamic, ready to record acoustic tone
Acoustic Simulator 1 – Makes your single coil guitar sound like an acoustic
Acoustic Simulator 2 – Makes your humbucker guitar sound like an acoustic
Bass 1 – Classic bass tones
Bass 2 – Modern bass tones
This setting is saved when you store a patch.
Default Setting
The Voice control can also be used to select the default Voice setting of your ID:Core
BEAM amplifier. By default, or after a Factory Reset, your amplifier will power on in
Manual Mode (see Section 13) with the Clean Warm electric guitar Voice selected.
To change this behaviour simply press down and hold the Voice control for 2
seconds with your amplifier set in the desired power on state – either Manual mode
or Patch Mode, and with your chosen Voice selected. The Voice LEDs will all briefly
illuminate to show that the new default setting has been saved.
3. Gain
When using an electric guitar Voice the Gain control adjusts the amount of overdrive
or distortion. Low settings (counter clockwise) will deliver a clean sound on the edge
of break-up. As the Gain control is turned clockwise the sound will become more
overdriven, moving through beautiful crunch tones until, at its maximum position, a
full distorted tone is achieved.
When using an alternative instrument Voice the Gain control adjusts the amount of
compression. Low settings (counter clockwise) will deliver a more natural, higher
headroom sound with greater dynamic range. As the Gain control is turned clockwise
it will introduce natural compression, smoothing out the peaks in the signal for a
‘fatter’, more rounded tone. This setting is saved when you store a patch.