Manual Route Editing
You can change the route calculated by ROAD ANGEL Navigator by
customizing the route in Itinerary mode to avoid specific roads or turn
1. With the route selected (see page 18), change to Itinerary Mode. ROAD
ANGEL Navigator lists the roads and turn instructions for your route.
2. Tap on the section of the route that you want to avoid.
3. Tap the
button. ROAD ANGEL Navigator calculates a new route
avoiding the section.
4. Repeat this procedure to avoid other roads.
ROAD ANGEL Navigator will not allow you to avoid a road and will
keep it in the itinerary if there is no practical alternative.
5. You can return to your original route at any time by tapping on the
Using Waypoints
A route can consist of any number of intermediate stops (see page 23). You
can use additional stops as
to create a diversion to ROAD
ANGEL Navigator's default route. To create a waypoint:
1. Create a route to your destination on the
Going To
screen (see page 18)
entering each waypoint as a stop. Remember to enter the stops and
your final destination in reverse order.
2. To change a stop into a waypoint, tap on it and select
Set As Waypoint
from the pop-up menu. You can change a waypoint back into a stop by
repeating this procedure, selecting
Set As Stop
from the pop-up menu.
3. ROAD ANGEL Navigator will now choose a route to your destination
passing through the waypoint(s).