You can choose from the following frame guides:
Displays action and title safe regions of your image within a 1.78:1 aspect ratio
compatible with 16:9 HD television and computer screens.
Displays the 4:3 aspect ratio compatible with SD television screens, or to help frame
shots when using 2x anamorphic adapters.
2.40:1, 2.39:1 and 2.35:1
Displays the broad widescreen aspect ratio compatible with anamorphic or flat
widescreen cinema presentation. The three widescreen settings differ slightly based
on the changing cinema standards over time. 2.39:1 is one of the most prominent
standards in use today.
Displays another common flat widescreen cinema aspect ratio. This ratio is slightly
wider than HDTV, but not as wide as 2.39:1.
The grid feature displays a ‘thirds’ overlay with two vertical and horizontal lines placed in each
third of the image. Tap ‘on’ or ‘off’ to view or hide the thirds overlay.
Thirds are an extremely powerful tool to help compose your shots. For example, the human eye
typically looks for action near the points where the lines intersect, so it’s helpful to frame key
points of interest in these zones.
2.39:1 frame guides are useful for framing shots to suit a popular
flat widescreen cinema format.
False Color
The false color feature displays color overlays on your image that represent exposure values.
The color values correspond to optimum exposure settings, for example pink for Caucasian skin
tones and green for 38.4% middle grey. False color is also helpful to know when shadows and
highlights are near clipping or clipping.
An actor’s eyeline is commonly framed along the top third of the screen,
so you can use the top horizontal third to guide your framing. Thirds are also
useful to maintain framing consistency between shots.