North Atlantic Imports LLC | 513 West 2500 North, North Logan UT 84341 | blackstoneproducts.com
From the rear of the griddle, using the included 7mm orifice
tool, remove all of the original brass orifices from the now-
accessible valves. Keep the original LP orifices with your
owner’s manual.
Install the new correctly threaded NG orifices in the valves.
Use thread sealant when attaching the orifices. Thread
sealant should be rate to 400° F (204°C) and compatible
with natural gas. (Example: Permatex #59214) It will be
easier to start the NG orifices by hand and tighten them with
the 7mm Orifice Tool, being sure not to overtighten to avoid
damaging the valve body. Depending on the griddle model,
you may have NG orifices left over. Keep them separate
from the original LP orifices with your owner’s manual.
After you have removed the orifices from the valves, use
the thread check gage to check the threads. Included in the
natural gas kit are orifices with the following threads:
1. M6 x .75 thread
2. M6 x 1.0 thread
Very carefully thread the gage onto the propane orifices you
just removed to see which thread you have. Do not try to
force the gage onto the propane orifice as you may cross
thread the orifice threads. Once you have determined the
thread type continue to Step 6 for assembling the orifices.
It may be easier to start the new Natural Gas orifice by hand from underneath if you
have any issues trying to install them through the hole inside the gridle body.
NG Orifice
close up of
the orifice
Carefully reinstall the burner tubes in position by sliding the
open end back over the exposed gas valves. Once in place,
reinstall the screws that hold them in place. Replace the
griddle top. As well as the burner grate if applicable.
Summary of Contents for 5020