BlackAsh SC-5
GUI Size
In the GUI size menu you can select your preferred GUI
scaling from a list of four settings, if the default mode
(Normal) is too big or too small for your taste. Please
note that the GUI size setting is a global preference that
affects all Black Rooster Audio plug-ins installed on your
Check for updates
Click the Check for updates entry to see if the plug-ins installed on your system are up-to-date. This function
requires internet access.
Knob behaviour & keyboard shortcuts
Use the plug-ins settings menu to select your preferred knob mode globally, i.e. all of our plug-ins share the same
setting among all DAW applications. Choose between „Host Setting“, „Circular“, „Relative Circular“ and „Linear“:
• By default the knob mode is set to „Host Setting“ which means that the knob mode is dictated by the DAW
application. Some VST hosts allow to change the knob mode setting in their preference menu. Our plug-ins
will respect the host knob mode in that setting.
• In the „Circular“ or „Relative Circular“ modes knobs will react to circular mouse gestures and you have to
drag your mouse in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction to change a knob‘s value.
• In the „Linear“ mode you have to drag your mouse up or down when selecting a knob to change its value.
Use the knob sensitivity menu to adjust the knob sensitivity to taste. This function is only available in linear mode.
All of our plugins support the following keyboard shortcuts
AU Hosts on Mac OS
Alt + Click - Reset control to its default value
Shift + Drag - Fine control
Shift + Mousewheel - Fine control
VST Hosts on Mac OS
CMD + Click - Reset control to its default value
Shift + Drag - Fine control (only a applicable in linear knob mode)
Shift + Mousewheel - Fine control
VST Hosts on Windows
Ctrl + Click - Reset control to its default value
Shift + Drag - Fine control (only a applicable in linear knob mode)
Shift + Mousewheel - Fine control