BlackAsh SC-5
» Power
Engages or bypasses the processing altogether.
» Limit
Toggling this button engages or bypasses the circuit‘s compressor path. Using this switch
allows you to monitor the effect of your current setting. The output stage as well as the meter
LEDs (see below) will remain active also when bypassed.
» Link
This is an addition to the original circuit. Sets the unit into stereo linked operation when
depressed or dual-mono compression, otherwise. Only available in stereo instances.
» Gain
Controls the amount of gain in the compressor path. The BlackAsh SC-5 is a fixed threshold
compressor: The more you drive the gain stage the more compression will be applied to your
Drag the knob with the right mouse button and the Output knob will move into the
opposite direction, this function allows for adding compression without increasing the volume.
» Ratio
Use this knob to adjust the ratio of the compressor in the range from 1:2 to 1:∞.
» Attack
Use this knob to dial in the attack time from 200us to 20ms.
» Release
Controls the release time in the range from 100ms to 2s.
» Output
Use the output gain knob to compensate for volume changes applied by the compressor
stage in the range between -∞ and +18 dB.
Drag the knob with the right mouse button and the
Gain knob will move into the opposite direction, this function allows for adding compression
without increasing the volume.
» Ext SC
Depress this button and the compressor will react to external sidechain signals instead of the
audio inputs. This allows for de-essing, ducking or other effect compression tasks.
ATTENTION: Be careful with strong compression settings and high output gains when engaging
the external sc signal. This may result in high volume jumps when the external signal is un-
» Gain Reduction LED Meter
The red LEDs monitor the gain reduction applied by the compressor stage.
» Threshold LED
The yellow LED monitors by which amount the compressor‘s threshold is exceeded by the
incoming signal. The brighter the LED lights up, the more compression will be applied.