Replacing Your Tubes
1. Should you replace your tubes make certain the preamplifier is unplugged from the wall AC receptacle and make
certain the unit has not been operating for at least thirty minutes. This allows the capacitors to discharge and the
tubes to cool down.
2. To remove the 12AX7 vacuum tube, use your thumb, index finger and middle finger to gently grasp the vacuum
tube on all sides. Hold the tube in the same manner as you would hold an incandescent light bulb. To extract the
tube from the socket, gently rock the tube from side to side while pulling up on it until the tube pins have been freed
from the socket. Never use excessive force.
Because of its careful design and exacting standards of manufacture, your FUSION 9 MK III should normally require
only minimal service to maintain its high level of performance.
The FUSION 9 MK III contains sufficient levels of voltage and current to be lethal. Do not tamper with a
component or part inside the unit. Even with the power turned off, a charge remains in the energy storage capacitors
for some time. Refer any needed service to your authorized Black Ice Audio dealer or other qualified technician.
The vacuum tubes inside the FUSION 9 MK III are high-quality 12AX7 types. Reliable, low gas tubes - such as
those available from Black Ice Audio - are strongly recommended for maximum performance and longevity.
Questions regarding your preamplifier may be referred to the Customer Service Department of Black Ice Audio:
(301) 953-2014.
We hope you enjoy your musical experience.